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Standard Tanker Hose

Sold in roll length

  • I.D: (60mm)
  • Roll length: 30 metres
  • Wall thickness: 5.5mm
  • Weight per metre: 1250g
  • Bending radius: 240mm
  • Working pressure: 4.5 bar
  • Bursting pressure: 13.5 bar
  • Vacuum: 9 mH2O
  • Temperature range: -25ºC to +60ºC

  • ItemNoDescriptionUOMPDF
    2600300SUPERELASTIC HOSE 60MM (30M Roll)MTR

    Description: Flexible tube in PVC, superelastic and low temperature resistance, reinforced with an interior shock-resistant virtually non-deformable rigid spiral giving it great consistency

    Applications: Suction and impulsion pumping of liquid manure and chemical products. Pneumatic transport of seed and cereal. Due to the high fl exibility, it is recommended for use on tankers

    Advantages: The inside wall of the tube is smooth thus preventing the build up of sediment and facilitating tube sterilization. Non-toxic. Good resistance to suction, impulsion, abrasion, atmospheric agents and various chemical products

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    McHugh Components Ltd.

    89 Broomhill Road,
    Tallaght Industrial Estate,
    Dublin 24,
    D24 EK28